About Still Design
We started Still Design because we think acoustics is a speciality in itself when designing the layout of buildings. After all, sound strongly defines how you experience a space. There's a different sound for each activity. This is a challenge especially with all flexibility in everyone's work environment.

You can't see sound. You can hear and measure it. We love to base ourselves on facts. Tables and decibels. That's where it starts. And we listen closely to what users of a space want and like. An intensive assessment forms the base of our design.
We know how sound behaves in combination with materials. We incorporate this when we create the design for a space. A lot of calculations go into this. This is how we work towards the desired acoustic climate.

And we remain designers. We want to combine functionality and beauty. This is expressed best in a number of innovative acoustic products that we have developed. Smart panels, modular glass walls, planters or other objects. With high-grade acoustic performances, patented applications and elegant design. Perfectly responding to the varying use of spaces. Their production takes place within our company. This way, we can guarantee high quality and deliver custom work in execution and style.
Still Design is a tight team of interior architects, industrial designers, engineers and creators that are passionate about acoustics in the work environment.
We'll happily advise you about acoustics in your work environment. We'd love to listen to you.